Persistent SSH Tunneling
Imaging the sitaution that we need to access services behind NAT/firewall, how to achieve it?
The answer is reverse SSH tunneling.
Reverse SSH is a technique through which you can access systems that are behind a firewall from the outside world. In that case, the server behind NAT/firewall does an SSH and through the port forwarding makes sure that you can SSH back to the server machine.
In above diagram, internal server will establish a SSH connection to jumpbox then opens a listenning port on jumpbox, all traffics to this listenning port will be forwarded to a specified port at internal server side.
By using reverse SSH tunneling, we can publish an internal listenning port to internet, here are the steps to achieve it.
0 Prerequisite
All we need is a VM which has a public IP address to serve as the jumpbox, SSH service need to be installed. In Azure, we can simply deploy a Ubuntu 16.04 VM.
1 Configure AutoSSH at Internal Server Side
From the internal server we want to publish service, install AutoSSH, refer to AutoSSH
autossh is a program to start a copy of ssh and monitor it, restarting it as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic.
Presume it's Ubuntu 16.04 server, the commands used to install AutoSSH will be
sudo -i
apt update
apt install autossh
Once AutoSSH is installed, create a service configuration to configure AutoSSH as a service.
vi /lib/systemd/system/autossh.service
Copy/Paste below content into autossh.service then save.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh $SSH_OPTIONS
Now, we also need to create a configuration at /etc/default/autossh.
vi /etc/default/autossh
Copy/Paste below content into the file then save
JUMPBOX_LISTEN_PORT: A listening port will be created at jumpbox
INTERNAL_SERVER_PORT: Internal server service's port
JUMPBOX_FQDN: Jumpbox's FQDN or IP address
Before enable & start AutoSSH service, make sure YOUR_USER_NAME has
- private key to connect to jumpbox, private key should be stored at ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
- Have jumpbox server key fingerprint stored and able to SSH into the jumpbox, simply run "ssh JUMPBOX_FQDN" and type Yes to store the key fingerprint at ~/.ssh/known_hosts
Enable and start AutoSSH
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable autossh
systemctl start autossh
2 Configure JumpBox
By default, reverse SSH tunneling only creates a listening port at loopback interface, that means the listening port is on If you run netstat -lptn
, you would see
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0<PORT>* LISTEN 106872/sshd: <YOUR_USER_NAME>
We can use iptable to forward physical interface's network to loopback interface, to do that
- Allow the port proxy to route using loopback addresses
sudo -i
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
- Configure iptables
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport JUMPBOX_LISTEN_PORT -j DNAT --to-destination
# Save iptables rules persistently
apt install iptables-persistent
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4
3 Configure Azure NSG to Allow Inbound Traffics to JUMPBOX_LISTEN_PORT
From Azure portal, choose JumpBox VM, Networking->Add inbound port, add inbound security rule to allow traffics to JUMPBOX_LISTEN_PORT.
4 Connect to Internal Server
Now you are able to access internal server service port through JumpBox server, for example, if the published port is SSH, you can acccess it with command below